Preferable values candidate trust and engagement. We focus on understanding each candidate's aspirations, abilities,and cultural fit. We aim to build long-term relationships with candidates, supporting their career growth beyondimmediate job placement and our approach aligns candidates with organisations that match their skills, values, andprofessional development goals. Our consultants offer industry knowledge, market insights, career guidance and honestfeedback. Throughout the recruitment process we provide continued support, including interview preparation, salarynegotiation and mentoring.
Career Coaching
Our career coaching is a personalised program designedto support candidates journey through the job seekingprocess, and ensuring candidates are consciously incontrol of their career and equipped to make informeddecisions about their future. Our service alsoencompasses guidance with resume and cover lettercomposition, effective salary negotiation, successfulinterview techniques and decision making.
Outplacement Service
Our outplacement service supports organisations andindividuals across Australia to facilitate navigation afterjob loss, end of contracts, redundancy, restructuring, ortermination by providing customised outplacementtransition programs. Our service is personalised andflexible to adapt to individual needs and is delivered byexperienced recruitment specialists.